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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Twisted

 Power Rangers Zeo Twisted

Power Rangers Turbo Twisted 

Power Rangers In Space Twisted 

 Power Rangers Lost Galaxy Twisted

 Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Twisted

 Power Rangers Time Force Twisted

Power Rangers Wild Force Twisted

Power Rangers Ninja Storm

Power Rangers: Dino Thunder


UPDATE: July 8, 2003

Sorry dude, I have to closed Power Rangers Ninja Storm Site for now.

Hello, I'm back into the action. Now I'm working on my project, "Power Rangers Ninja Storm" and the newest series after PRNS.

We have heard that some PR is on DVD. Which DVD are they selling?
They are selling The Best of Power Rangers: The Ultimate Rangers, and PRNS: Vol. 1 and Vol. 2.

Sorry to delay everything. I'm sorry about it. But I will work so hard to bring this site back up again.

Rumours: The Tentative Title for next series are Power Rangers: Reloaded or Power Rangers: Dino Thunder.

Also I will rework on Power Rangers Wild Force. Wild Force Series is over. MMPR Productions are gone except the main director, Kochi Samakato. Disney ask the new production to take over them. The new production is Village Roadshow KP Production the one who make Matrix movie and Hercules. The executive producers are Ann Anster, and Doug Sloan. 

Another News:

I just made the series site completed, "Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue". My next Projects are Power Rangers Turbo and Ninja Storm. I hope you enjoy this again.

Welcome to the Power Rangers Twisted! This is the newest, and biggest Power Rangers website on the net! The PR Twisted was created, to give Power Rangers Fans a better look into the series. Soon the PR Twisted will feature Mighty Morphin Power Rangers-Power Rangers Turbo. The PR Twisted already feature Power Rangers In Space-Power Rangers Wild Force. I hope you enjoy my biggest site on the net.

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